Hepatitis C is caused by the hepatitis C virus and this blood-borne virus affects the liver, mainly spread through blood transfusion,acupuncture and drug abuse. Symptoms can vanish within 6 months on their own or it can become a chronic case. According to WHO statistics,the rate of global HCV infection is about 3% and there is about 180 million people infected with HCV. Long term liver damage and disease due to hepatitis C cause about 500,000 deaths every year. Asia and North Africa show highest number of cases. It is also quite prevalent in USA, UK and Australia, especially among high-risk populations such as people who practice unsafe sex or are habituated to the use of drugs. The mortality associated with HCV infection—liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma in the next 20 years will continue to increase and it will result in a high risk of health and life, and has become a serious social and public health problem.
Legal: Because carrying 12-weeks supply of a medication for personal use prescribed in the country where you’re coming from, with a specialist's prescription and pharmacy receipt are legal. It is better to pass through an official pharmacy or authorized distributor (Mylan, Natco) because with a number of scam in India, so that the origin of the medication and the batch number can be tracked. Affordable: India is “one of the lowest cost and highest quality of all medical tourism destinations. The full treatment in the US and Europe comes with about $ 90,000 bill. The cost of the treatment in India is just 1/10 of US. Reliable: Healthcare in India is not only cheap, but the hospitals have world-class facilities, and their doctors and nurses are often trained according to international standards.And there is the best generics drugs in India because there is currently more US FDA-approved manufacturing facilities in India than in any other country outside the U.S. Language: Every doctor can speak fluent English. The same language helps to establish good communication and to create a warmer atmosphere. |
Because carrying 12-weeks supply of a medication for personal use prescribed in the country where you’re coming from, with a specialist's prescription and pharmacy receipt are legal. It is better to pass through an official pharmacy or authorized distributor (Mylan, Natco) because with a number of scam in India, so that the origin of the medication and the batch number can be tracked. |
India is “one of the lowest cost and highest quality of all medical tourism destinations. The full treatment in the US and Europe comes with about $ 90,000 bill. The cost of the treatment in India is just 1/10 of US. |
Healthcare in India is not only cheap, but the hospitals have world-class facilities, and their doctors and nurses are often trained according to international standards. And there is the best generics drugs in India because there is currently more US FDA-approved manufacturing facilities in India than in any other country outside the U.S. |
When you arriving Indian airport, there will be a guide is waiting for you. He has already organized everything for you and he will be able to help you with whatever you need. If he is not around, you can call him. |
The guide will pick you up from hotel to see the doctor who we already booked for you in Fortis or Medanta. If you have any question about your treatment, be free to ask your doctor. It is the right time. After that, you will have a genuine prescription from Indian hepatologist. you can take this prescription to buy the medicine legally at clinic pharmacy or any licensed pharmacy. |
You can visit some resorts in Delhi, such as Red Fort, Indian gate. If you want to visit these resorts alone, we could book a car for you. You will enjoy this trip. |